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B2B online marketing strategy: these are the steps you should follow

Richard Gödel
CTO @ meetergo
2 minutes reading time
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"B2B online marketing, also known as business-to-business online marketing, is a marketing strategy that focuses on promoting business customer-related products and services on the Internet. Unlike B2C (business-to-consumer) marketing, which is aimed at end consumers, B2B online marketing is aimed at other companies that act as customers"

Overall, B2B online marketing is an important part of a successful business development strategy, as it allows companies to reach their target markets, strengthen their brand, and increase sales. Various online marketing strategies can be used to achieve this goal.

Define target group

Defining a target group is an important part of marketing strategy. It is about identifying the customers who are most likely to be interested in a company's products or services.

By focusing on the target group, marketing measures can be targeted to arouse the interest of the target group and thus improve customer acquisition and retention. Successful online marketing strategies therefore begin with a thorough analysis of the target group in order to develop the right marketing goals and tactics.

How do I define my company's target audience?

Define your target audience by identifying the needs, behaviors, and demographics of your ideal customers. Ask yourself questions like: Who is most interested in my product or service? Who has the greatest potential to buy my products or services? Who is most likely to spend money on my offerings?

An important step in defining your target audience is collecting data. Use tools like customer surveys, social media analysis, and demographic data to get a clear picture of your target audience. This data can help you identify patterns in age, gender, income, education level, occupation, and other important factors.

It is important to define target groups as specifically as possible. The more precisely you know your target group, the better you can align your marketing strategies and measures.

A general target group description such as "women aged 18 to 35" is less helpful than a specific definition such as "professional women aged 25 to 32 with an average income of €50,000 per year and an interest in health and fitness products."

Use your audience definition to ensure that all your marketing efforts are focused on the needs and wants of your ideal customers. This can help you use your marketing resources effectively and increase your conversion rates.

What are the needs and challenges of my target group?

It is essential to understand the needs and challenges of the target groups in order to develop a successful marketing strategy. By understanding these factors, the company can identify the right marketing channels and activities to reach and engage the target audience.

First, the company should research the demographics of the target groups, such as age, gender, income and education level. This information can help develop a better understanding of the target group's needs and challenges.

Another important factor is understanding the motivations and needs of the target group. Here, the company can relate the benefits it offers to the desires and goals of the target group. These can change along the customer journey.

It is also important to know the challenges of the target group in order to address them specifically. Here, the company can identify problems that the target group has and offer solutions to address them.

Brand building guide - image by vectorjuice on Freepik


Branding is an important process for companies as it helps them develop and strengthen their brand. A strong brand can help build customer loyalty and retention, as well as a positive image and trust among potential customers.

It's important to carefully consider how to build and position your brand to leave a lasting impression on your target audience. In this article, we will look at what branding entails and how it can help support a company's business model and goals.

How do I build a strong and recognizable brand?

A strong brand is at the heart of every successful business. A recognizable brand can help your company stand out from the competition and leave a lasting impression on your target audience.

Here are some steps that can help you build a strong and recognizable brand:

  1. Understand your target audience: Do you know who your target audience is and what they want? This information is important to develop a brand that is relevant and appealing to your target audience.
  2. Clear and unique brand identity: A strong brand identity is the cornerstone of your brand. Make sure your brand has a clear, unique and memorable identity that differentiates your company from others.
  3. Consistent brand communication: it is important to communicate your brand in a consistent and coherent way to create a clear brand image in the minds of your target audience.
  4. Use marketing channels: Use a variety of marketing channels to spread the word and build awareness of your brand. Social media, online marketing, email marketing and other marketing efforts can help amplify your brand and reach your target audience.
  5. Engage your audience: Engage your audience through interactions and feedback. Satisfied customers are important for building a strong brand.

These are just a few steps that can help you build a strong and recognizable brand. It is important that you invest time and resources in building your brand to achieve long-term success.

What are the most important aspects of branding in B2B online marketing?

B2B online marketing branding is crucial for the company to build a strong and recognizable presence.

It's about creating a unique and distinctive identity that sets the company apart from others in the market.

Here are some important aspects to consider to build a strong brand in B2B online marketing:

  1. Clear and consistent brand positioning: It is important to define a clear and consistent brand positioning that allows the target audience to quickly recognize and understand the company.
  2. Unique brand identity: The brand identity should be unique and distinctive to stand out from the crowd and have a strong presence. This can be achieved through the use of specific colors, fonts, logos and other visual elements.
  3. Continuous brand building: Brand building is an ongoing process that involves continuously and sustainably strengthening and building the brand. This can be achieved through regular communication with the target group, the introduction of new products and services, and the implementation of marketing strategies.
  4. Brand awareness: It is important that the brand is known and recognizable by the target group. This can be achieved through the use of online marketing measures, such as social media marketing, content marketing and e-mail marketing.
  5. Customer experience: To build a strong brand, it is important to provide a positive customer experience. This means that the company's services and products meet the needs and challenges of the target group and ensure high customer satisfaction.

These aspects are crucial for building a strong and recognizable brand in B2B online marketing. By taking these aspects into account, companies can create a unique and distinctive

Content creation - image from Freepik

Create and distribute content

Creating and distributing content is an essential part of online marketing, especially in B2B. It's about creating relevant and engaging content that appeals to and attracts the target audience.

This content can be in the form of blog posts, videos, infographics, or other digital formats. An important consideration when creating content is to make sure it fits the brand and the needs of the target audience.

How do I create relevant and engaging content for my target audience?

To create relevant and engaging content for your target audience, it's important to understand their needs and interests.

A good way to do this is through surveys, feedback or market research. It is also important to identify the right channels to distribute your content and reach your target audience.

Use your brand's voice and tone to build a strong connection with your audience. Make sure your content is well designed and easy to consume.

Finally, it's critical that your content is continually reviewed and adjusted to ensure it remains relevant and engaging.

How do I successfully distribute my content?

  1. Leverage social media: post your content on various social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn to gain a wider reach.
  2. Collaborations: Find influencers or other businesses in your industry to collaborate with to spread your content to a larger audience.
  3. Email marketing: use your email list to send your content directly to your target audience.
  4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimize your website for relevant keywords to rank higher on Google and other search engines to generate more traffic to your content.
  5. Content partnerships: find other websites or blogs that are relevant to your target audience and offer to publish your content on their sites.

By implementing these tips, you can successfully distribute your content to strengthen your brand and reach your target audience.

Digital Marketing - Image from Freepik

Digital Marketing Strategies

Digital marketing is a comprehensive approach that helps businesses strengthen their online presence and reach potential customers. This involves using various digital marketing tools and technologies to plan and execute an effective marketing campaign.

Some of the key strategies include search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, online advertising and affiliate marketing.

Online Marketing Strategies

Online marketing strategies refer to all the actions that companies take to reach their target audience via the Internet and sell their products or services online.

Successful online marketing strategies should include a well thought out combination of different marketing activities.

To develop a successful online marketing strategy, it is important to define the target group precisely and understand its needs and challenges. Furthermore, a strong brand should be built and the successes should be measured and analyzed regularly.

Business to Business Marketing

B2B marketing involves a lot of online marketing strategies. However, B2B marketing differs from B2C marketing, as the marketing measures have a different goal.

This online marketing strategy covers the entire customer journey, starting with the first of the AIDA phases and ending with customer service or customer success. In B2B marketing, there are significantly more touchpoints and people involved, as B2B sells to companies and not individuals.

SEO - image from Freepik

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important part of online marketing that aims to improve the visibility of a website or online presence in the results of search engines such as Google.

Improved visibility can get a brand's online offering in front of a larger audience, generating traffic, leads and sales.

A good SEO strategy includes optimizing technical aspects of the website as well as creating high-quality and relevant content for the target audience.

Why is SEO important for my B2B online marketing strategy?

Through an optimized presence in search engines, such as Google or Bing, you can effectively reach your target audience and make your products or services better known.

High visibility in search engine results can help generate more traffic to one's website and thus attract potential customers.

Good SEO optimization can also help to be found better for relevant search queries, which exudes greater trustworthiness and credibility. In short, SEO can help strengthen and promote online business.

How do I optimize my website for search engines?

A well-optimized website is the key to successful B2B online marketing. Through search engine optimization (SEO), you can increase the visibility of your website and thus generate more traffic.

Here are some steps you can take to optimize your website for search engines:

  1. Keyword research: Identify the most important keywords that are relevant to your target audience and optimize your content accordingly.
  2. On-page optimization: Make sure that the structure and content of your website is readable and understandable for search engines. Use meaningful headings, meta descriptions and keywords.
  3. Technical optimization: check the loading time of your website, ensure mobile optimization and improve the URL structure.
  4. Link building: Link internal pages together and build backlinks from other relevant websites.
  5. Content creation: create high-quality, engaging content on a regular basis to attract users to your site and increase interest in your business.

By consistently and regularly implementing these steps, you can optimize your website for search engines and thus achieve higher visibility and more traffic.

Social media channels - image by pch.vector on Freepik

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing has become an indispensable part of B2B online marketing in recent years. It offers companies the opportunity to strengthen their brand, reach potential customers and expand their network.

With a targeted social media presence, you can speak directly to your target audience, gain their trust, and raise awareness of your offerings.

How do I use social networks for my B2B online marketing?

In B2B online marketing, social networks play an important role in building a strong and recognizable brand. In order to use the full potential of social media, you should define your target group precisely and take their needs and challenges into account.

By creating and distributing appropriate content, you can engage the interest of your target audience and thus draw their attention to your company. Effective use of social networks also involves an engaging presence and interaction with the target audience.

It is important to regularly publish relevant content that is targeted to the interests and needs of the target audience. In addition, you should also target advertising on the chosen social networks to achieve greater reach and visibility.

Which social networks are particularly relevant for B2B companies?

Some social networks are particularly relevant for B2B companies and should therefore be considered in their marketing strategy. These include:

  1. LinkedIn: As the world's largest business network, LinkedIn is an indispensable part of any B2B marketing strategy. Here you can build relationships with potential customers and business partners, share content and draw attention to your company.
  2. Twitter: Twitter is particularly suitable for disseminating news and information about the company and the industry. Here you can keep your followers up to date and informed about new developments in real time.
  3. Xing: Xing is an important network for German-speaking countries and offers similar functionalities to LinkedIn. Here you can build relationships with potential customers and business partners, share content and draw attention to your company.
  4. Facebook: Although Facebook is considered more of a network for individuals, it can also be useful for B2B companies to strengthen their brand and distribute content to a larger audience.

It is important to consciously choose one or more networks and use them specifically to achieve your B2B online marketing goals.

Customer Journey - image by vectorjuice on Freepik

Lead generation

Lead generation is an essential part of any successful B2B online marketing strategy. The target group is addressed with appealing content, offers and calls-to-action to get them to leave their contact details.

This generates leads that can then be converted into customers with personalized offers and content marketing or telephone campaigns. Systematic lead generation ensures that the company will continue to receive a steady stream of new customers in the future.

Why is lead generation important to my B2B online marketing strategy?

Targeted lead management can then be used to systematically guide these prospects through the sales process and ultimately generate more business for the company. Successful B2B lead generation is crucial to the success of a B2B company and should therefore be a high priority in the online marketing strategy.

How do I generate qualified leads online?

The leading inbound conversion tool meetergo qualifies leads for you in real time on your website and, depending on the type, offers either direct appointment booking or smart workflows for lead nurturing.

To generate qualified leads online, there are a few methods you can use. Here are a few tips:

  1. Content marketing: Create useful and relevant content that is of interest to your target audience and offer it in exchange for contact information such as email addresses or phone numbers.
  2. Landing pages: create landing pages optimized specifically for lead generation, with clear call-to-action elements, such as contact forms or demo requests.
  3. Google Ads: Use paid online ads to generate traffic to your landing pages. You should do this by carefully targeting ads to your audience and their interests. Display ads can also be used.
  4. Email marketing: use the email address to inform existing customers and leads about your products and services and make them offers.
  5. Influencer marketing: search for influencers in your industry who are relevant to your target audience and work with them to promote your brand and offerings.

By combining and adapting these methods to reach your target audience, you can generate qualified leads online and improve your B2B online marketing strategy.

Marketing Mix - image by vectorjuice on Freepik

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a form of online marketing in which a company sells or promotes its products or services through affiliate partners. The affiliate partners receive a commission for each item sold or successful action generated as a result of their efforts.

Affiliate marketing is an effective way to increase the visibility of a product or service, and it's a great way to reach potential customers who are already interested in similar products or services.

Sales analysis - image by vectorjuice on Freepik

Measurement and analysis

By monitoring metrics such as click rate, conversion rate, visitor numbers, and engagement, the marketing team can find out what is working and what is not. Based on this data, decisions can be made and measures optimized to achieve the best possible result.

How do I measure and analyze the success of my B2B online marketing strategy?

There are several tools and methods you can use to measure and analyze the success of your efforts to see what is working and what is not. Some of the most important factors to consider when measuring and analyzing are traffic data, conversion rates, lead generation, engagement rate and return on investment (ROI).

It's important to monitor and analyze this data regularly to make adjustments to your strategy and ensure you're on track to meet your goals.

What are the most important metrics for B2B online marketing?

To measure and analyze the success of a B2B online marketing strategy, various metrics are relevant. Here are some of the most important:

  1. Traffic: The number of visitors to the website is an important indicator of success.
  2. Bounce rate: The bounce rate indicates how many visitors leave a website immediately. A high bounce rate can indicate insufficient user-friendliness or inappropriate content.
  3. Conversion rate: The conversion rate indicates how many website visitors become customers. This is an important indicator of the success of a B2B online marketing strategy.
  4. Lead generation: The number of leads generated and the quality of these leads are important metrics that provide information about the success of the lead generation strategy.
  5. Social media engagement: Engagement metrics such as likes, shares, and comments on social networks can provide information about the relevance and popularity of the content.
Target service strategies - image by pch.vector on Freepik


The conclusion provides an overview of the most important findings and recommendations from the field of B2B online marketing. It summarizes what is necessary for a successful online presence and provides tips for effective strategy implementation.

Summary of the most important steps for a successful B2B online marketing strategy

To build such a strategy, there are some important steps that should be considered:

  1. Define target audience: Understand the needs and challenges of your target audience to create custom-fit content and offers.
  2. Branding: strengthen your brand by building a clear and recognizable identity that fits well with your target audience.
  3. Create and distribute content: Create relevant and engaging content for your target audience and successfully distribute it through various channels such as social networks and search engine optimization.
  4. Lead Generation: Generate qualified leads by providing offers and promotions that are of interest to your target audience.
  5. Measurement and analysis: Monitor and analyze the success of your B2B online marketing strategy by tracking key metrics and using this data to optimize your strategy. One metric, for example, is customer lifetime value.

These are just a few of the steps that should be followed when creating a successful B2B online marketing strategy. By focusing on these steps and adjusting them regularly, you can build a successful online presence and grow your business.

Recommendations for implementation in practice

In practice, you can make it easier to implement a successful B2B online marketing strategy by defining a clear goal, regularly soliciting feedback, and being willing to make adjustments.

You should also maintain a balance between investing in different marketing channels and always keep an eye on the latest trends in online marketing.

In addition, to implement these strategies along the customer journey, you can book an outsource service that fulfills the goals in certain phases. For example, ads could be placed for the awareness phase or more awareness could be created for the consideration phase, so that nothing stands in the way of the online marketing goals.

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